6/12SN7 Preamp Tube Rolling

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    James Dalto

    In 30 years of owning tube gear I’ve never had this much fun rolling tubes. I’ve just started going through my 12AU7 collection.
    The schematic lists 6dj8 tubes. Does this also include 6922’s and 7308’s?

    Also, has anyone tried the 9 pin adapter with the octal socket saver?



    Hi James,

    Glad to hear you’re having fun! For the 6DJ8 tubes, I’ll need to check with ours here. I know the original version was fine with all of them. But the revised cathode follower doesn’t play nice with some tubes. I’ll do a quick check tomorrow and see if I can get you a solid answer on how they run.

    As for the 9 pin adapter, absolutely! We’ve run the 6CG7, 6GU7, 12BH7, 12AU7, 6AU7, 6N1P, 6N6P, 6BZ7, 6DJ8, 6N23P, and a whole host of other 9 pin dual triodes.

    When I get it sorted out, I’ll add another response here.


    James Dalto

    Hi Charles,

    Yes I think I saw the older schematic. I have tried RCA 6CG7, Mullard 12AU7 and Telefunken 12AU7 tubes.

    In the video regarding the soon to be released phono stage, Jim mentioned that it would have higher gain than the current kit. Would you know what that gain would be?



    Hi Jim,

    Yup, you’re right. The new schematic has the correct list of compatible tubes on it.

    For the new Modern Line Phono, the initial testing is showing that 5 mVrms (Typical of a modern moving magnet cartridge) input at 1khz = 1.02 Vrms. Where the classic line versions output was 0.989 Vrms. So not a big difference. However, if you need more output then you can use some higher gain versions of the 6SL7 such as the later version #279 & #280 Sylvania / Philips 6SL7WGT tubes. I believe the output from those is ~1.2 Vrms and they are very great sounding tubes.


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