Have an earlier version of our 6or12SN7 Kit Preamp and want to upgrade it to the latest ver3.0 circuit? This is the kit for you. Included are all the parts necessary to build two new Preamp boards. Note if you purchased your Kit prior to September 2023 then you have the original circuit.
What did we improve in ver3.0? Well the biggest change is to the cathode follower, we changed it dramatically so it pushes more current and makes our already great sounding preamp sound even better. We’ve also added in the option of bypassing the input coupling capacitor since it isn’t necessary in most systems and one fewer capacitor in the signal path can only be a good thing.
As good as the original circuit sounds, the new ver3.0 circuit definitely improved bass frequency reproduction, with better definition and overall the sonics have more dynamics with loud passages hitting hard and fast.
You can check out the updated build videos as well on our Mellow Tone Kits channel:
Tedsid –
The V3.0 upgrade kit for the Universal 6or12SN7 Dual Mono PreAmp is a wonderful update to a great kit. The change in the circuit, while simple, has taken my PreAmp to another level of enjoyment. The first change to notice is easy to hear, the bass has more detail and drive. it is not over the top but easily heard from the first listen. For myself, I realized the other improvements while listening to tracks I was very familiar with. What I heard was an overall improvement in pace, drive and especially leading edge sounds of instruments. The result, for myself, was an enjoyable improvement of an already much loved preamp, but also that of a more relaxing listening experience as I realized it took less mental energy for my mind to see the instruments being played. That change was not as obvious to me right away, but became VERY apparent and easy to hear the difference when playing much loved tracks. Overall this upgrade kit is an easy recommendation. The kit will not change anything you love about your existing preamp, but expand and improve on the things you already appreciate. A very good kit and improvement! I hope everyone can experience and enjoy this kit if they get the chance to.