22 gauge bare connection wire

Home Forums Forum MTK Kit Builders 22 gauge bare connection wire

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  • #13757
    Jesse Curran

    Looks like I am going to be 2 cm short on the Bare 22 gauge connection wire. I measured out my connections between the RCA grounds…… I have enough to connect one side…. The other RCA Jacks, I only have enough to touch each without doing a wrap.

    Can you clarify what I need to purchase. 22 gauge bare Tinned copper wire?

    I’m also having a hard time finding less than 100 foot roll. Hardware store maybe?… Bulk

    I would recommend putting more than 10 inches in the kits for purchase in the future…… Never know when you need more if you make a mistake.


    Hi Jesse,

    I just had a talk with him about this earlier! I was cutting it very close with my build but managed to make it work. For future kits we’re going to try to include more of each of the items that need to be cut/sized by the builder so there’s more leeway for variance and mistake.

    Let us know what you need for length and if you need anything else and we’ll ship it out to you ASAP.


    Jesse Curran

    Is there a specific type of connection wire that has to be used? Can it be 22 gauge bare copper wire? Or does it have to be tinned copper wire? I have access to different kinds of electrical wire at work, however,
    I want to be certain that I’m using the correct type of wire…… If I can’t find it, I’ll request you to send out 10 inches of length to me by mail.



    Hi Jesse,

    While the bare copper wire would technically work, the tinned wire is going to be far superior for getting good solder joints. And since this is for the grounds it’s going to be very important. we’re putting a length of it in the mail today shipped priority.

    You should be able to continue with the build then circle back to the ground wires when it comes in.


    Jesse Curran

    Thanks Charles!

    Jim Lambton

    Shipped Small Packet US AIRMAIL
    12″ – 22ga. tinned buss wire
    7-8 business days
    Sorry for the shortage – with the help of Test Builders we’ll be able to correct the pick list, until it’s bang on!
    My goal is to have a wee bit more of everything so you never come close to running out, including extras of the tiny things that are easy to drop on the floor – never to be seen again!
    Keep up the good work!

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